Sunday, December 20, 2009

I bought a crap detector...

Had Meet the Press ("THE Place to Go to Get Your Message Out!") on this morning and as GOP shill Ed Gillespie opened his yap, the teevee started buzzing, Ed lips moved silently, and a green bar appeared at the top of the screen, scrolling white text and we thought we had been gifted with This Week's Discussion Question:
Hey, when did they implement the Early BS Warning System?!?!
Unfortunately, it was just a test of the Emergency Broadcast Warning System, so we'll have to go with the alternate question:
How great would an Early BS Warning System be?
Please keep the discussion civil and do not wander off into "Heh. Fox News Channel would only need to broadcast an audio signal for the commercials," or "Not that Glenn Beck has any advertisers left, mind you."


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