Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chapter and Verse(s)

Heard about these Psalm 109:8 bumperstickers the other day on the radio:
During the last few days, Psalm 109:8, a Bible verse in the form of a "prayer for Obama," has topped the Google trends chart: "May his days be few; may another take his office." Evidently, a bumper sticker emblazoned with this verse has popped up in various parts of the country. It is a sort of right-wing Christian equivalent to the old "01.20.09" stickers looking forward to the end of the Bush era.

It was, most likely, intended as a joke. But it isn't really very funny. Especially since the next verse reads, "May his children be orphans, and his wife a widow."
Rather than being horrified by the subsequent verse, they actually printed up bumperstickers and coffee mugs and whatever else Cafe Press prints junk on, so here's This Week's Discussion Question:
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Please keep the discussion civil and do feel free to wander off into "What the hell ever happened to context?" or "01.20.09 bumperstickers are most certainly not equivalent. Never, not for a nanosecond, did we wish President Bush or Vice President Cheney harm. Impeached? Absolutely. Hauled up on charges at the International Criminal Court? We'll buy their one-way tickets to The Hague. Shunned by decent society, ashamed to show their faces in public? You bet. But dead? No, not ever. Never. Also, 'it isn't really very funny', is an incredible understatement. It ought to earn someone a visit from the Secret Service."


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