Monday, February 09, 2009


In the debate over the economic stimulus bill, Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) said this:
"The emperor has no clothes! Somebody has to say it. I'm referring to this additional bailout, this spending bill that spends everything we've got on nothing we are sure about."
That prompts us to drop the veil from This Week's Discussion Question:
After eight long years of a petulant little dictator wanna-be preening and prancing around nekkid as a jaybird to the cheers of his fellow Republicans while flushing away trillions on a war we were lied into and tax cuts for the fabulously wealthy, are you joking, Senator?
Please keep the discussion civil and do not wander off into "Could we please have a lot more of that 'Whaddya think stimulus is?' snark?" or "We caught a bit of Rep. Mike Pence on Meet the Press Sunday and think that he and Crazy Michele could have a epic stupid-off. We hope Rep. Barney Frank didn't get some 'contact dumb' just from sitting next to him."


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