Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just Say No

We interrupt This Week's Discussion Question to direct you to Washington Monthly's new issue, "No Torture, No Exceptions". The editors introduce this collection of essays with this bold statement:
"In most issues of the Washington Monthly, we favor articles that we hope will launch a debate. In this issue we seek to end one."

The next time somebody who's watched too much "24" tries to tell you there are special circumstances that require "enhanced interrogations", direct them to veteran FBI interrogator Jack Cloonan's piece on how interrogations really work.

The next time you question a presidential candidate in a debate--yeah, you Timmy--you might ask them if they'll not only abolish the use of torture but will seek accountability for all those complicit in dreaming it up and signing off on it. (Barack, Hillary, and John: "Yes, and a lifetime gig in a nice, comfortable prison cell will be waiting for each of them," is the correct answer. "Yes, and we'll hand them over to The Hague," is also an acceptable response.)

No torture, no exceptions.

We now return you to This Week's Discussion Question.

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