Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Run For Your Life

In a recent letter to supporters, Rep. Virgil H. Goode (R-VA) warned, "The Muslim Representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran" and "I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped."

We'll give you a second to shake your head, read that again, and shake your head once more before we pose This Week's Discussion Question:

Between this guy and former Senator George "Macaca" Allen, if you were a Virginian, would you admit it?

Please keep the discussion civil and do not wander off into "Forget immigration, how can we get dumbasses like this guy to emigrate?" or "Hey! Don't forget about our 'precious bodily fluids'!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't one of the Dems point out the stupidity of this Guy , other than Ellison himself. Heck, the Republicans can do this too. I don't care who does it but please someone stand up and tell us that you're in washington to represent the PEOPLE of united states.

Maybe Sen. Goode has a legitimate point and i'm just missing it. Is this his point: We need (must) deport all the Christian Mexican Illegal Immegrants b/c one day they could convert to Islam, become a congressman, and take his/her photo op oath on Quaran. ? Hmmmmmm....

What's surprising is that, he really believes he is representing his district. I would like to go see who he is representing..... oh, wait.. it is in Virginia.