For some time, we've been meaning to pose this as TWDQ:
"Who the hell thinks this is funny?"We're pretty sure we know now. We'll bet it's this charming bunch.
Which raises this question:
"What the hell is wrong with these people?"Please keep the discussion civil and do not wander off into "Family values, eh?" or "What was that line again?"
(I made a spelling mistake and couldn't edit it, so I'm reposting.)
As a student of the Russian language, I have to admit that any time I see Cyrillic characters used to imitate Latin ones, I cringe a bit. Not to mention, the БОRДК poster can't even put the Я in the right direction.
But wait! No! I get it. It all makes sense now. The reason the conservative nutjobs are mucking up the country? They've simply been reading the wrong textbooks the whole time. They've been misled. They think Saddam Hussein was a Communist. Ohhhhhhh.
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